lunes, 29 de agosto de 2011

Here are 10 tips for surviving the recession - Houston Business Journal:
Conversely, Vicki Hess, a local career says a negative attitude can be creating stress. “When under stress, littlde things start to build up and create high negative interactions and overall she said. “Events that you used to be able to handlde with grace become more challenging due to the worrhyand fear.” 2. Heavy-Lifting Now’s not the time for Master your own job and tacklr somenew projects. If you really want to get the attention, help generate some business — even if you are not in a revenue-creatinbg position.
“Now is your time to shind and excel in your Focus your time on tasks relevant to business customer retention and saidLeslie Shreve, a local productivityu expert. If you are not directly in a position to grow the busines s insome way, then look for ways to improve your interactionsz with those individuals or departmentas who are.” 3. Self Promotion No one is gointg to tootyour horn, particularly in a recession when colleagues and bosses are worried about their own So, many career experts say carefullh communicate your successes to higher-ups.
“Too build on your existing foundation, stay visiblwe and maintain anupbeat outlook,” said Joni Daniels, principal of in Baltimore. “Promote all the things you are doing that increase profits andreduce costs. Focus on how recent changes will work to strengthenyour firm’s competitive 4. Evaluation Most companies are feelinvg the pain ofthe recession. Whether lost layoffs or furloughs arethe result, career coachesd say you need to decidr if you can overcome the heartburn. Is this the time for a career change? What about going back to school? Do a self-evaluation and decids what might be best for you andyour 5.
Résumé If the pink slips continuse to bepassed out, perhaps you should update your résumé with your currenty responsibilities, experience and skills. “Create a résumé that is applicable to your present industry as well as one that can position you for other industries with which you have said Taguding. 6. Networking Once you have that refreshed, start networking. Taguding suggests testing the job market with your industry colleagues, family and friends.
But others say take it a step “Opportunities for networking occur not just at aseated dinner, luncheon meetingh or specific networking event,” said Mary Ann Masur, a Baltimorw career consultant and author. “If you are clear on what you are up to in life and what you want or wherw you cangive support, you can find chances to connect in any Masur says she has made contacts at golfingb events, airport security hotel lobbies, the dry cleaners, shopping parties and in volunteef organizations. “So go live your life and be open to talkinfg about your goals and whatyou do,” she said. 7.
Tools Networke can be beneficial, but they might not be enoughh in the downturn when new jobsare scarce. Checmk online job sites such as ,, and A résumé service, coach or recruitetr may be in order to reposition yourselvf for a different kind of jobor industry. Consider contacting your alma mater; colleges and universitiese have career centers that may opensome doors. Anothere source of help may be a trustef colleague who has recently made a job recommendsMitch Halbrich, a managing directord at the in Baltimore. 8. Good Health Let’sd face it. This economy is dishing out more stress than most are usedto handling.
Eatingv right, sleeping and relaxing are key ingredients for a healthy Whether you are working twice as hard at yournormalp job, searching for a new situation or both, make sure to take time out for 9. Exercise There’s no better medicinee for a healthy heart and mind than Whether it’s running, walkinyg or swimming, exercise can provide an outlet for stresse during the downturn, career coaches say. 10. Time Be Whether you are waiting for your compan to rebound or looking for anew position, know this procesas will take time. Also, experts warn against jumpingb at the firstjob offer.
“Leavinyg a sinking ship can appea r to others as if you are simply looking for any port in the and few employers want to play that Start looking for your next career step rather than a more reliablrpay check,” Daniels said.

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