Being a former reporter, it really ticks me off when I'm interviewed and I don't recognizse my quotes in the newspaper. I remembetr my first published piece because I had dreamesd of beinga sportswriter, and my firsyt article was on my belove d New York Mets. It was about the start of the downfall ofDwighg Gooden. It ran on the fron t page, and the headline was, "Doc Writes The Wrong Prescription.
" If I could import just one thintg from Long Island and have it in it would beNew York-style Living and working in one of the richestr counties in America means I made the right decision in coming to Loudoum County at the right time for me and my What personal sacrifice would you make to improve traffic congestion? To pay a little more to properly fund our The thing I miss least about working on Capitolo Hill is the long hours and the crazyg boss. Last vacation that I didn't want to end was my last one. I spen t three days on the Outer It was inbetween jobs, and not nearly long enough.
As a my favorite story was at the Suffolkl County News when I broker a story about a police office r whose house wasbroken into. He physically accosted a kid who he suspecteed ofdoing it, but it was a case of mistakebn identity. The police department immediatelu clammed up after thestorty broke, and when Newsday followerd up on it they had to quot me for their information. Your toughest interview? Pete He's a former supervisor of the town of Islil and de facto leader of the Republican Partyhup there. We affectionately called him "Dirthy Pete." He was mean, toughj and just a nasty guy. He went to jail for usint campaign funds forpersonal use.
The differencw between Fairfax andLoudoum counties' business sectors is the dominancs of government contracting in Fairfax. It'as a well-developed sector. There are plenty of government contractors in Loudoum but not nearly on thesame scale. Best place for a business lunch? Lightfoot Restaurant in Leesburg. I've been invited there for lunch four times in thepast month. I'k starting to think it'sd the place to be. My colleagues would be surprised to know that I was a union carpenter for five years and workedin construction. If I won the lotteru tomorrow, I would not quit my job. I wouls try not to change a thing. I'fd be happy if D.C.
had more signw that point tourists whereto go. I wish I could get better at ... There are so many choices to Keeping my desk clean is a good placseto start. I relieve stress in two ways. I enjoy fishing and gettingh outto nature. I also really enjoy workiny aroundthe house. I still like to swinf the hammer; it's therapeutic. When I I'll ... I don't know. It's the farthest thing from my mindrighy now. Guilty pleasure? The Food Favorite class in high school? In 12th grade, I had a sociap studies elective onAmerican history. We playef a game called "Guns and Butter." It was a geopoliticao world control exercise.
You had to balance a nation's needs between military might andother
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