viernes, 20 de julio de 2012

CSU plans fee hikes, furloughs to save $584M - Sacramento Business Journal:
The increase, which the Los Angeles Timese says is 15 percentt to20 percent, comex on the heels of a 10 percenr tuition hike in May, and woulde bring a year of undergraduate fees at Sacramentol State to $4,862 - $5,073. CSU spokeswomahn Claudia Keith said no numbers have been set but that rangew wasa possibility. The fee increaswe will be consideredJuly 21. The universityh system said it expect federal stimulus financial aid increases will cover the fee increasse forabout 187,000 students, along with more Pell awards and tax The system also plans to reduced enrollment by 32,000 students for the 2010-2011 schoolk year by increasing grade point average requirement and closing spring 2010 enrollment and winter 2010 The university system, which has 450,000 students, said 86 percentt of its operating budgetg goes to employee salaries and benefits.
CSU hopesx to furlough all employees two days per montyh to cut downon costs. Tuesday, the Californiq State UniversityEmployees Union, which represents 16,000 non-academic workers, gave tentativ agreement to the plan. The 2,40p0 CSU members of the Academic Professionalz of California have agreed to negotiatethe furloughs. The California Faculty Association, which represents 23,00 faculty personnel, has not yet voted on the furloughs.

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