martes, 6 de noviembre de 2012

Maryland Port Administration inks deal with Panama Canal Authority - Baltimore Business Journal:
The deal could bring more busines from Asia toMaryland ports. Port of Baltimore officials are working to preparethe region’s terminals for an uptickk in business that could come when the canall is widened in 2014. “With the current economic climate, it has nevefr been more important to provid e optimalcustomer service, and this agreement will enabld us to fully cooperate and work together for continuesd trade between Latin America, Asia and United States,” canall authority CEO Alberto Alemánh Zubieta said in a statement.
The MPA is currentlyt shopping fora private-sector partnef to enter a long-terjm lease at , the state’s main contained cargo terminal handler. MPA leaders say a public-privated partnership would help boost business atthe It’s the fastest way to pay for a 50-footf berth needed to accommodate larger ships that will come throughh the widened canal, MPA Executivee Director James J. White has The Port of Baltimore is one of two East Coasyt ports witha 50-foog channel, according to the MPA.

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