There had been considerable speculation durinh the last few months that Van de a four-term incumbent, might throw her hat in the ring for the governor’x race next year. But she squelched that idea todayu in a statement that is harshly criticalof Gov. Rick Perrgy and U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey “If I believed for a second that it woulsd result in a healthy debats of the issues of most importance toTexas families, I would today be announcing my candidacy for governor of Texas,” Van de Putte “But we have all watchex over the years as Hutchison, and other Republican politicians have launcheds their scorched earth ‘say anything to win’ vicious attacks agains political opponents.
To mask thei utter lack of leadership, they’ll do so again, and I declinre to put my familythrough it.” Hutchison is widelyh believed to be gearing up to challengse Perry in the Republican primary for governofr next year. So far the only Democrat to formally announcd in the race is Tom who served as ambassador to Australia under PresidengtGeorge W. Bush. Van de Putte says she planws to keep her focus on the stated Legislature and isencouraging State. Sen. Kirk Watson, to consider a bid for governor.
“Democratas should recruit and supporsomeone who, like Watson, is energetic, pragmatic, and smart; and who can fully energize Democratic supporters while also attractinv a broad range of independenty voters in every region of the she says.
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