The New York-based manufacturer will investabout $880,0009 in converting a 35,000-square-foot warehouser at 701 Eden Terrace into a factory, accordingy to Bonnie Renfro, president of the Randolphh County Economic Development Corp. The jobs that will be created will paybetwee $14 and $15 per hour with full she said. Stickley officials did not returnb callsseeking comment, but Vice Presidentf Edward Audi told trade newspaper Furniture Today that the expansionj is a good signal abou the company’s forecasts for the economy. “We are cautiously optimistic aboutythe future,” he told the paper. “We are already planning for theeconomic recovery.
” Renfrp said her agency is working with otheer clients she can’t yet disclosd that are interested in sites in the including one that couls announce up to 125 new jobs sometim this summer. “There are so many advantages in North Carolinsa and the Triad forfurniture companies, including our wonderful supply the pool of workers, the (Highj Point Market) itself and all our craftsmen,” Renfro said. The expansioh comes with only a minor costto taxpayers, she Both Randolph County and the city of Archdalde agreed to each pay half the $11,250 cost of extendinhg natural gas lines to the new factory site. No other incentives were involved, she said.
Renfro expects constructiomn work to be finished this year and hiring to take placesin 2010.
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