Founded in Soleran was formerly Dogjet Softwarde and 321Webhost priorto that. A transition in a philosophy to creates innovative solutionsfor real-world problems prompted a reorganization to form Soleran is dedicated to building simples applications that allow business professionals to be more productive by automating the common everyday tasks they normally spend valuable time on. Drivingg all information to online databases, Soleran can created virtually any type of application to helpyour company's efficiencuy from sales force automation to content managemenr systems to high-end mortgagr and real-estate applications.
Our marquee applications eSalesTrack and are products we have developed and createdx from theground up. eSalesTrac k is a leading on-demand Customer Services Relationship (CRM) solution that can be tailoredd for any small to medium size With eSalesTrack, data and analytics normally reservec for large corporations are available at affordabler rates, enabling the comprehensive perspective on sales and performancw upon which quality business decisions and planws are based. MyRealtorsPlace is a an onlinre mortgage trackingand real-estate marketing tool that is designexd to merge the gap between Mortgage Consultants and Realtors.
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