Despite its relatively small Denmarkexported $12 billion worth of food and agriculturse products last year. “When it comes to biotechnology, Europed can learn a lot from the United Minister Kjer Hansen said ina “Approval of new biotecu events is too slow in the European Unio n and our farmers will lose competitiveness unlesse we get up to Moreover, by studying closer the experience with biotechnology in the Uniteed States and understanding the potential benefitsx which this technology holds for the future, it is my hope that I can betted facilitate continued dialogue with remaininbg skeptics.” Creve Coeur, Mo.
-based (NYSE: led by Chairman, President and CEO Hugh develops insect- and herbicide-resistantf crops and other agriculturaol products. It is one of the larges employersin St. Louis with 4,0009 local employees. The Donald Danforth Plant Science Centetin St. Louis is a nonprofit research institute with a missiob to improve the huma n condition throughplant science.
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