miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2011

LexisNexis employees to support area nonprofits Thursday - Dayton Business Journal:

Through its LexisNexis Cares communityoutreach program, the compang is sponsoring events on the Miamisburyg campus to benefit 10 local Employees will be building and decorating bikees for children, building and decoratintg cubbies for local organizations, painting murals to be distributed to organizationzs throughout the Miami Valley and paintin g and planting flower pots for distribution. Two teamsz of employees also have volunteeredr to clean up theLexisNexis “Adoptt a Road” highway sectiomn of state Route 741 that runs from Wright Brothersz airport to the company’s All of the items assembled and painter on Thursday will be donated to locak nonprofit organizations.
Those that stand to benefit include: the Miamik Township police andfire departments, Boys Girls Club of Dayton, Children’s Medical YWCA Dayton, Dakota Center Inc., Dayton Christiann Center, K12 Gallery for Young Mercy Manor Inc. and Partners for Community Beyond Wednesday’s activities, 800 employees have volunteered to assisyseveral Dayton-area organizations throughj 27 other company-sponsored events. LexisNexis has 3,000 locakl employees, according to Dayton Business Journak research.

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