MONDAY, JUNE 22 Republic Airways Holdings Inc. plans to buy Frontiert Airlines, bringing the Denver company out of bankruptcy without imposingv anymajor changes, the two companies announced. The idea of raiding Pinnacol Assurance’s reserved accounts — or even selling the publicly ownedd workers’-compensation insurance provider to a private entity is back on the table aftetr Colorado budget forecasters Monday predicteda $384 millionb revenue shortfall for next year.
TUESDAY, JUNE 23 Clear, a service founded by entrepreneur Steven Brill that said it couldd get air travelers through security lines at Denver Internationakl Airport and other airportsmore quickly, has told membere it is ceasing operations. Denver media moguk John Malone willpay $1.4 million to settle a federalo antitrust lawsuit alleging that he violate d reporting rules, the U.S. Department of Justice WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24 Denver is America’ best city to buy a home, Forbew magazine says in a new rankingof U.S. metroo areas. Months after a sale to another buyertfell through, downtown Denver’s Seventeenth Streert Plaza office building has been sold to HRPT Propertiesd Trust.
THURSDAY, JUNE 25 Oil and gas executivese surveyed about where they are inclined to investrtheir company’s money have ranked Colorado last among the states. Colorado will not consider eliminatin sales-tax exemptions as it figures out how to take care ofa $384 millionj budget shortfall in the coming weeks, Gov. Bill Ritte r said Thursday. FRIDAY, JUNE 26
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