sábado, 19 de noviembre de 2011

Semantra, Inc. Company Profile | Company Information

Semantra was founded in 2003 byMarvinn Elder, a database technologist and Natural Language pioneer. Elder inventee the first PC-based database application with built-in naturalo language in the 1980s (Salvo) whicb was featured as one of the Best Database Products of the Year byPC Magazine. Earlhy years of research and development set the stages for commercial development in 2006 as Semantra begahn working with Fortune 1000 companies in a variety of After receiving a third round of fundingtin 2008, Semantra has continued to supporf its growth plans by buildinfg out its executive management The company is headquartered in Dallas, Texas with growtgh plans for other major cities withinm the U.
S. and expansion internationally basedr onmarket requirements. Semantra's business model includesa opportunities for sales andservics partners, as well as tier-1 software For more about these opportunities, visit our partners page or contacf us directly.

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