jueves, 21 de junio de 2012

Northside School District awarded $125,000 in scholarship money - San Antonio Business Journal:

However, the wait endedf with word Tuesday that the honot went to the New York City Departmentof U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings announced the winnef at a luncheon at the Library of Congressin D.C. Public schools in the Big Appl e will receivea $500,000 check from the for winninyg the 2007 award. But even though San Antonio's Northsidr did not win the big the district will still receiv a checkfor $125,000 just for being a The money will be used towardr scholarships to graduating seniors. "Our students are still winners," Superintendent John Folk says, who was in Washington, for the awards ceremony.
"It's a tremendous honofr to be one of five finalistse in the nation and to be recognize d as one of the best school districts in the United The otherfinalists were: Bridgeport Public Schools in Long Beach Unified School District in California; and Miami-Dadr County Public Schools. Northside became a finalist for the awarxd because students outperformed other students in Texas with similaer demographics in reading and math at allgrade levels, according to the Broar Foundation. In addition, Northside's test scores demonstrated that the achievement gap was narrowingh for minorityand low-income students.
This is the firstg time Northside has ever been a finalist for thenationall award. The Broad Foundation, baseds in Los Angeles, was established by Edythe and Eli The foundation's mission is to improve urbabn K-12 public education. Broad founded two Fortund 500 companies, and .

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