The survey says that 77 percent of bosses have alreadgy or are planning to sendout crisis-related internal communicatiom about the impact of the financial downturn. More than two-thirds (69 of those employers citedd easing employee anxiety as the top goal of doing so. Nearly one thirsd (32 percent) said earning employees’ trus was the goal behind the communication. According to job security, company performance and solvencytop woes. And while 80 percent of employers who are communicatinf about the financial crisis already sent messages to employee s about company performanceand solvency, only 38 percentf have talked about job security.
Of the companiess that have already started to communicate withtheifr employees, 91 percent say that the messages are beingy delivered by senior while 59 percent say the messenger comes from humab resources. “Communication can be a powerful tool in thesretroubled times, especially when supportesd by different levels of said Kathryn Yates, global director of communication consulting at Watson Wyatt, in a statement. “Bu t it’s important to keep the specific business contexyt in mind and constantly monitor the effectiveneses ofthe messaging.
” The most popular deliverg tools are: town hall staff meetings and/or other face-to-face discussions; e-mail; the company and social media. Of those who have already started to send messages to workers about the impacty ofthe crisis, 62 percent plan to incorporated their messaging into their ongoing communicatiom strategy for an indefinite
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