viernes, 8 de junio de 2012

Security clearances key to recession period pay raises - Washington Business Journal:, an online career management resource company, reports workers holding security clearancesw are enjoying an average pay increase of nearly 2 percenftto $73,961. In a survey ClearanceJobs.cok finds that employees in D.C. and Virginia received a 3 percenf increase and the highest annual compensationh inthe "cleared worker" category, with averagde salaries of $82,874 and $80,135, respectively. “The turbulen economy has put a governor on the growth rate of salaries for securittycleared workers," said Evan founder and director of Des Moines-based ClearanceJobs.
He added “Considering both number of currengt job openings and the local costof living, therer isn't a bad markey anywhere in the countrg for security clearance jobs." ClearanceJobs, a company, is an Internet-based job boarf dedicated to matching job seekers who hold an activd security clearance with the best hiring companiex searching for new The data for the ClearanceJobs Salary Survey was collectedx from more than 5,0009 security-cleared professionals registered on ClearanceJobs.comj between Feb. 21 and April 26.
The survey founsd salaries for cleared workers in Afghanistan surged by 7 percentto $106,321, while salaries of their counterparts in Iraq increased slightly to $106,839. The closing of the pay gap between the two war zoness echoes the elevation ofthe U.S.'s focus in The survey also says the salary gap betweenb government employees ($62,615) and government contractors widened in 2009 with contractors earning roughly $20,000 more than civil servants.

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