sábado, 18 de agosto de 2012

Dublin, Columbus schools get grants for diesel-cutting - Washington Business Journal:

million is headed to Dublin and under a secone round of state grants aimed at cutting diesel engine emissions. The on Monday announced recipients of the second and finalp round of Diesel EmissionsReduction grants, a $19.8 million prograj created in 2008. The first rounfd sent nearly $7.3 million to 10 including the , operator of the region’s bus In the winners disclosed Monday, Dublin was cleared for $464,658 whilew the Columbus school system receiveca $918,020 grant. Officials from Dublin and the schoo district told thestate they’re using the monet to replace vehicles with lower-emission alternatives.
Dublin plans to replace eight 1999- or 2000-modell short-haul diesel trucks, while the school district is using its granr to replace 15 buses producedin 1990. Projects that received award s are required to put up at leas 20 percent of the cost inmatching funds. The grangt program looks specifically at publixc and private diesel equipment owners in Ohio countiees that fall short of airqualit standards. The largest grant among the 16 went to the and to refiy four locomotives with new That Cincinnati-area project was awarded $4.

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