domingo, 12 de agosto de 2012

Voting begins on King Soopers contract offer - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
Voting on the five-year offer by membersa of United Food and Commercial Workers Localk 7 will continue through Union leaders are not making a recommendation to their members on thecontract offer, whichu the union complains would cut pensionj benefits by an average of $100,000 -- a conclusiom disputed by management. “It’s a good contracf in a normal It’s a great contract in this economy,” King Sooperxs spokeswoman Diane Mulligan said last She said roughly 65 percent of workerds would get raises underthe company’ss proposal. King Soopers is a Colorado unitof Cincinnati-based (NYSE: KR). Colorado workeras for two other grocerychains — Calif.
-based (NYSE: SWY) and Boise, Idaho-based (privately held) continue to negotiate separate deals with their employers. If King Soopers workers rejecrtthe chain’s latest they will continue working without a contract until an agreement is reached or a strike is Their contract expired May 9.

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