jueves, 6 de septiembre de 2012

Rice group gets $1.25 million to study Ike effects - Houston Business Journal:

The two-year grant will help the SeverStorm Prediction, Education and Evacuation from Disasters grouop compile information obtained from the Hurricane Ike experiencwe and, in turn, make recommendationsw to lawmakers, emergency managers, industry officials and homeowners on how to prepar e for future storms. Formed in SSPEED is a multi-institutional collaboration that aims to addressa deficiencies instorm prediction, disaster planning and evacuations for communities stretchintg from New Orleans to Brownsville, Texas. Partnerr institutions include the , The , , , Texas A& M University at Galveston, the , , the and the .
The firsf report about lessons learned from Ike is slatecd for release by the end of the A final report with recommendations will follow within two Inthe interim, meetings are planned with many including industry leaders and emergenc managers, to share and gather information. Housto n Endowment is a private, philanthropid foundation that contributes to charitable organizations andeducational institutions.

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